the Perfect
Read scents, smell words
A journey of fragrance discovery that ignites the olfactory imagination
Finding a perfume is a challenge. Fragrances are hard to grasp, and expressing our preferences can be tough. KAORIUM by SCENTMATIC is an entirely novel approach to fragrance exploration that decodes the enigmatic world of scents and helps people discover new fragrances intuitively through language. Harnessing state-of-the-art technology, our mission is to deliver olfactory moments of delight.
Scent to words, word to scents
Visualize scents with words
When a scent is placed on the coaster, the impression of the scent is visualized in words. By expressing sensory perceptions through language, scents that were once difficult to discern become more clearly perceivable.
Explore scents with words
Upon selecting a word representing your impression of a scent, associated scents are displayed on the screen. You can then smell and compare results to find the scent you desire.
Imagine the possibilities that could emerge from bridging the gap between scent and language. The KAORIUM Concept Model brings the possibilities of such new experiences into reality. The unprecedented experience of reading scents and smelling words heightens the sensitivity and resolution of our sense of smell and allows us to more fully immerse ourselves in the richness of scents.
User’s Voice
Intimacy with fragrance
I had not felt closely connected with a fragrance before, but I felt like I was able to find 'my fragrance'.
An unexpected discovery
I was able to discover a scent different to that I would usually choose.
Ease of choice
I feel that I've now found my personal base for selecting scents. I would like to use KAORIUM when choosing at the store.
Innovating the Fragrance Buying Experience
For fragrance retailers
Trees of Life | Essential oil brands store
Find your favorite scent at a store
Have you ever had trouble finding a fragrance for you among the myriad options available? KAORIUM assists you to delve deeper into your preferences by providing word representations of the fragrances you select and compare, allowing you to find a fragrance you really like.
Benefits for customers
Easier to choose
fragranceDiscovering a scent
that you likeEasier to communicate your preferences
Contribution to retail business
NOSE SHOP | Niche fragrance specialty store
Understanding customer preferences
Many of our customers find it difficult to describe the fragrance they are looking for, but KAORIUM makes it easier for us to understand their preferences.
Improve sales conversion rate
Installation of KAORIUM significantly improves store entry and purchase rates. Its positive influence on customer purchasing behavior at perfume retailers contributes to both increased customer attraction and sales.
Other application scenarios
Foster understanding of diversity and expressiveness through learning how we each perceive the world.
Enjoy aromas and flavors more fully.
Explore fragrances and aromas to find your new 'me'.
EntertainmentExpand the world experienced through your sense of smell.
Transforming the customer experience at hair salons through shampoo selection by KAORIUM.
Cosmetics brands utilize KAORIUM to communicate with their customers
Creating scents to condition athletes and enhance performance with KAORIUM
KAORIUM is installed in children's mental health clinic. Supporting care through the power of scent and technology.
KAORIUM's sensory education program to learn about local attractions through the aroma of local products
3F, 4-22-7 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo 150-0013, Japan
CEO, Toshiharu KURISU
Established: November 22, 2019
Digitalizing the sense of smell
SCENTMATIC is a business design group specializing in the olfactory experience. Through our scent⇔language AI translation system we offer the potential to add emotional experience value to any project.
Business Operations:
Development of KAORIUM, an AI system expressing scents/flavors through language KAORIUM is used in:
- Scent Experience Products for Companies
- Service Planning and Development
- Scent Experience D2C Product Planning
- Scent Experience Planning and Development for Workshops and Educational Events
- Scent Experience R&D